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Nature Activities: Boosting Children’s Resilience and Mental Health

Nature Activities: Boosting Children’s Resilience and Mental Health

In today's fast-paced world, the age-old phrase of "nature heals" rings truer than ever. Research increasingly indicates that  our mental resilience and mental health are reliant on more time spent outdoors.

Subsequently, we’re more eager than ever to find nature activities - particularly nature crafts - that will help our children to care for their mental health and bolster their emotional resilience. Our educational experts sat down to collate a range of the best nature activities to benefit your child.

Understanding the Power of Nature on Resilience and Mental Health

Emotional resilience can be best described as the ability to “bounce back” from challenging situations. This trait becomes indispensable to children as they navigate life's many twists and turns. Fortunately, nature offers an ideal setting to develop this skill.

By immersing themselves in nature activities, children learn to handle unpredictability (after all, nature is full of surprises!). They gain confidence, whether it's by overcoming the challenge of a steep hill or by navigating the climb to the highest branch of a tree. Each experience, no matter how small, contributes to their emotional toolbox, preparing them for bigger life challenges.

Moreover, the calming influence of nature, from the gentle rustling of leaves to the soft sunlight through the trees, plays a pivotal role in enhancing mental health. It provides a break from screen fatigue and the constant bombardment of digital information. Nature allows the mind to reset and rejuvenate… So it’s a great place to get creative and try new activities! 

Nature Activities: Engaging Children in the Great Outdoors


Nature walks and picnics are always fun but there are ways you can level up your time outdoors (we know kids sometimes need convincing!). Here are a few suggestions to make the great outdoors even more enriching and exciting for the little ones! 

Why not try one of the nature activities listed below? Recommended by our childhood development and educational experts!  

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Give the kids  a list of natural items to find – from pinecones to feathers. It’s an adventurous way to explore and observe the intricacies of the natural world.

Star Gazing

An evening activity that can introduce children to the wonders of the universe! All you need is a clear night, a telescope or an astronomy app! 

Garden Camping

Why travel miles for a camping trip when the back garden can be just as thrilling? Setting up a tent, sharing stories, and perhaps even spotting some nocturnal wildlife can make for a memorable experience.

Bird Watching

Equip them with a bird guidebook and a pair of binoculars, and let them discover the diverse bird species in your locality.

Planting a Mini Garden

Whether it's a vegetable patch or a flower garden, nurturing plants from seeds can be an immensely satisfying activity, teaching patience and care.
And of course, there’s nothing more fun than crafting outdoors… 

Crafting with Nature: Creative Adventures in the Open Air

Crafting outdoors offers a hands-on approach to connect with nature. Crafting not only stimulates creativity but also encourages kids to observe and appreciate the finer details of their surroundings.

Adventurer's Nature Bag: 

Saddle up your little explorers with our Adventurer's Nature Bag. Perfect for collecting treasures on nature walks – think feathers, interesting stones, or unique leaves. They’ll have so much fun making and decorating this canvas carry-all and even more fun filling it with forest finds! Find out more here!


Flower Press & Nature Banners: 

Preserve the beauty of nature with our flower press craft. Children can collect their favourite blooms, press them, and then display their treasures on nature banners, capturing the essence of each season. Check it out!


Honey Bee and Bug House

Explore the world of itty-bitty critters with our Honey Bee and Bug House craft. This delightful activity not only educates children about the essential role of bees and bugs but also offers a safe haven for these critters. Place the finished house in your garden and watch as it becomes a hub of activity! Check it out!


Craft A Positive Approach To Emotional Resilience and Mental Health

Nature activities aren't just a pastime; they're a pathway to enhancing resilience and mental health. By providing our kids with more outdoor activities like nature crafts, we give them further opportunities to hone their emotional resilience and care for their mental health. Happier kids are the ones who breathe the fresh air and explore the great outdoors for the perfect leaf collage. More emotionally resilient children can be nurtured through challenging but fun nature crafts that encourage their ability to think, adapt and create. 


Need some nature crafts to get you started? 

🍃 Visit our shop: Explore our curated range of nature crafts, perfectly tailored for budding creators!

🌸 Join our craft subscription: Get monthly nature craft kits delivered straight to your door, ensuring a steady stream of engaging and educational activities for your young ones to enjoy.

When nature calls, it's not just an invitation to step outside; it's a call to explore, learn, and grow. Answer it with enthusiasm! 🌳🎨🍂

Curated by Jéssica Dorantes

Author and Editor

Jéssica is a published author of children’s literature and has more than 5 years of experience working with educational content, three of them aimed specifically at children and families.
She graduated in Literature and Languages and specialised in Editorial Production, with a Linguistics Masters. 

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Jéssica Dorantes

Editor and author of children’s literature, passionate about content for children and families and specialised in Editorial Production.

Jéssica is a published author of children’s literature and has more than 5 years of experience working with educational content, three of them aimed specifically at children and families. She graduated in Literature and Languages and specialised in Editorial Production, with a Linguistics Masters.

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